CHLOE' F/W 2018 | All | Antonia

CHLOE' F/W 2018

For her second season at the creative wheel of the French luxury house, Natacha Ramsay-Levi sought to show how a woman can channel the multiple sides and characters of her personality via her clothes, albeit ones packed with a cool casual chic attitude. Often injected with Renaissance flourishes, the focus for fall is full and highly-detailed dresses and blouses in soft gauzy silks. Peasant blouses are pretty and alluring while cropped flared pants add adistinctive Boho vibe to the line-up. Sweater girls will appreciate the gamut of knits, from classic vests and turtlenecks to leg o’ mutton sleeves, all in soft winter whites and powder pinks. Add to that Ramsay-Levi’s cult bags such as the Drew Bijou and the Faye, and a selection of original round sunglasses, and voilà, the perfect Chloé girl is ready to step out.

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